Finances are a critical piece of your business, but it is easy to forget to put time aside for your financial tasks, which can lead to you falling behind and not having the information ready to make business decisions.
Finance covers a broad range of topics,
+ we’re prepared to help you with any and all of them!
Full Cycle Bookkeeping and Payroll
Financial on demand Strategic Sessions
CFO Support: Financial Reports, Pricing, Planning and Projections
Accounting Support
Trying to make business decisions but not sure where to look? Scrambling to find the numbers you need for applications or discussions? We support you in understanding what your financial statements mean and how you can utilize the information to make business decisions!
Have a Finance Business Partner you can call up anytime to chat through any burning finance questions that come up.
Sixty minute strategy session
Follow up email highlighting learnings and/or links, if applicable
Accounting Support
Trying to make business decisions but not sure where to look? Scrambling to find the numbers you need for applications or discussions? We support you in understanding what your financial statements mean and how you can utilize the information to make business decisions!
Have an accountant on your team to review your financials and bookkeeping, prepare reports, statements and working papers, and be a sounding board to discuss your current finances and financial goals
Recurring phone calls for more forward thinking Finance Support
Financial review, set up processes and financials in accordance with your business needs
Report preparation, discussion and review
Access to CHRO support
Bookkeeping Support
Investment: Starting at $295 per month. Price varies based on activity Add Payroll: Price Varies
Does entering those expenses at month-end stress you out? Not sure what expense category to use or whether you should record GST?
We can take these daunting tasks off your plate, so you can take that extra coaching call, write that blog post you’ve been thinking about, or take that well-deserved bath!
Full cycle bookkeeping
Monthly reconciliations
GST/PST filings, if applicable
Payroll and government remittances
Discover your Numbers Package
Do you dread the finance side of your business? Does making money or paying bills scare you? If I asked you what your profit was last month, would you know? From my work with clients and listening to those in my community, I’ve discovered three major pain points for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Money Mindset, Bookkeeping and Systems, Understanding the numbers.
This private 8-week coaching program is designed for you to discover your relationship with money, how to set your accounting systems up for success and discover what you need to know each month to understand your finances better and feel confident in your relationship with money.
Eight 1-hour strategy sessions scheduled over 8-weeks
Take away activities and journaling topics in between discovery sessions